Monday, August 26, 2013

How could I forget?

In wrapping up my Kentucky travels post, I failed to mention something so super special and fun and important and I'm not really certain how I totally skipped over it and didn't blog about it because it was so super special and fun and important and so now I'm going to blog about it. 

My cousin Alicia lives in Tennessee and I love her, I love her, I love her. She and I are like peas and carrots or carrots and peas or whatever. I wish so badly that we lived closer to each other because when we get together we laugh and we hug and we just soak it up and enjoy it and as it turns out - so do our kids because we met up at a hotel on our way back to KY and went to dinner and then completely took over the hotel pool with our 20 children. No, it wasn't really 20 but with the decibel that our middle children take things to, it certainly seemed like that many. Seriously! We all had an absolute blast and I look forward to getting together again as soon as we can make it happen because have I mentioned that I love her? I do! 

Kennedy, Miles & Luke watching TV before supper: 
 Our wild and crazy crew at the hotel pool. 
 Getting this picture was complete chaos, but - look at these sweet water babies! 
 I remember when I was a kid, I thought hotels were so cool. It's fun being the Mom now and watching my kids think it's the coolest thing ever. 
 I really wasn't sure how all being in one room and Grey having an early bed time was going to work, but it looked like this: pack-n-play covered with a blanket and super loud noise machine rumbling underneath his bed = complete success: no wake ups! 
 The girlies:
 Maddie, K and Ave - they were all so sweet together. 
Everyone slept great in the hotel (Praise the Lord!) and after we woke up we all traipsed down to the free breakfast which was madness just trying to find a table we could all sit at. We all got fed, but let's just say no tile was left crumb-less under our table after we were through. 
After breakfast we packed up and the kiddos watched cartoons. 
 I wanted to attempt to get one group picture with all the kids in it. These aren't perfect, but they are precious and I love them. 

We really had such a great time. I can't wait to get together again but hopefully next time our hubbies will be in tow - I think they love each other as much as Alicia and I do ;). 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Alicia's kids have grown too much!!! Nearly unrecognizable to me!!!! Why does time have to stop? I miss her a bunch, hope to see her again someday!!!
