Friday, September 7, 2012

A visit from Grandaddy and Gigi

Clearly I am a sleep deprived Momma - I just realized I published this blog sans any wording at all (not intentionally). Blogging for me anymore happens in shifts and usually I upload pictures first and save that as a draft before narrarating later on. Clearly step two didn't occur - ha! Oh my...I gotta just laugh at myself. Better late than never, so here goes:

Another picture of the sweet big sister...I LOVE this picture! My big girl turns five tomorrow...hard for me to believe! She is so good with Greyson. Unfortunately he's been crying a good bit as of late and she HATES it and will talk to him and try to soothe him and it's just really sweet.
The only positive to the crying is that it usually is followed  by nursing which then = smushy face, sweet & snuggly moments like these.
Grandaddy and Gigi left on Monday and it was so nice having them here - they were a big help and my girls had an awesome time hanging out with them. They came bearing big sister gifts and the girls were super excited.
Kennedy basically dropped trou in the living room to put on this new outfit they gave her: too funny!
little brother looking on
Grandaddy can build a super awesome girly block tower:).
Gigi was really good at calming the as-of-late fussy Grey. Thanks Gigi!
Leave it to my Dad to make playing on the trailer a super fun time!
I am spending a lot of my time lately playing referee  between my girls, so moments like these are just are even more precious! It has to be presented in a series so you get the full affect. Can't you just almost hear the squeals and giggles?

Warm and cozy Grandaddy = sweetly sleeping baby.
The babies we got the girls as Greysons gift at the hospital are still a huge hit. They like to put them in all the baby toys/swaddles/blankets/clothes, etc. that we use for Grey. Thank goodness Gigi is left handed.....
Avery is becoming more and more interested in the new little one in Mommy's life. She talks to him (in her jibberish) and wants to touch his hands and feet and says "baby" and when he cries she gets all down and sad looking and says "aww".

We got out the playmats this week for Greyson and within minutes of getting them out the big girls were on them...I have a picture but for some unknown reason I can't get it to upload (grrrrr).
Now, the girls have come to terms with the fact that the playmats are for the BABY and they can look on or lay beside, but they are for him and not them. Such sacrifices, right?

This little stud had his one year birthday over the weekend. We got to spend some time with family having a fun little cookout to celebrate. Happy Birthday to our little roomie.

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