Today is mine and Tim's anniversary. It has been a glorious four years since my betrothed and I were married. In some ways I find that hard to believe and in other ways I feel like, "man - it's only been five years"!

Marriage has been fun, it has been hard, it has been stressful, it has been a blessing, things about it have been unexpected and there is a lot about it that is wonderful. There are days that I am hard on us - about where we need to be better, about things that we do that aren't kind and loving, etc. I have had the benefit of having some really recent reflection on our early years because my sister was recently married. She and I talk alot about "do you remember this and or what did you do about that?" It makes me laugh to think about some of the things were a big deal when Tim and I began sharing a house and now we are comfortable....we are used to things and there is a general understanding about stuff - those big deals aren't so big now. There are other things that we still do to irritate the fire out of each other too...ha ha. That's normal though, right? I think so! Anyhow, in talking to my sister I realize that with the Lord as our guide we have come a really long way. We have had some high highs and some low lows but ultimately (Praise the Lord) we know neither of us are going anywhere and we want to make the best of this life together.
Having Kennedy has taught us alot about each other and made us love each other in whole new ways. It's been a really amazing thing. It's just neat to go from two to a little family, you know?
Anyhow, as hard as marriage is and I am here to be real about the fact that it IS hard - it is so rewarding. It's such a blessing. I know I have someone praying for me, loving me, cheering for me, supporting me, wanting time with me, being proud of me, and just well - being there . Most importantly I know he is here because the Lord gave him to me. A girl from South Carolina and a boy from West Virginia and the Lord brought us together in Kentucky.....nothing short of a "God thing".
I am looking forward to many more years of enjoying my favorite thing about us - laughter. I love that we laugh together - we get each others sense of humor - it's priceless!
I love you Tim ~ Happy 4th Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary, Lindsy and Tim! See you on Saturday night!
ReplyDeleteSo sweet! Happy anniversary! And thank you for getting that song stuck in my head:) HA!
ReplyDeleteOh Lindsy!! This is a wonderful post, and I love how you have reflected on your marriage in such a good light. You guys are a beautiful couple and make a wonderful family. Happy Anniversary!! I, too, cannot believe it has been 4 years! Where does the time go? So much love to you both :)