Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby brain

Well, it's been a good weekend. Saturday I got in a 4 mile run at the Arboretum with Janine and Billie. I will say, however, that Billie got in 4 miles of her own before she wrapped up her last two with us. She is a rock star for sure. Unfortunately we didn't get to do all our miles together. I am claiming major baby brain because I told her to be there at 7 but somehow convinced myself that I had told her 7:30. Sorry Billie! Oh well! It was a good run and way to go Janine completing four for the first time in her triathlon training - Go Neenie! I am so proud I could just burst. =)

On Saturday we ran into Tracy who recommended that Janine and I come out today to do long course at UK. We have not done long course yet. We have been swimming the width of the pool rather than the length so its about double the distance we are used to. I was a little leery but Janine and I agreed because we needed the workout and practice. It was awesome! I don't know why we didn't go before today! I mean....yes, we started with flippers but the flippers came off and we were really swimming. Today was the closest I have come to looking/feeling like an actual "swimmer" since this whole thing started. It was exhilarating but ridiculously exhausting too. We are going to be some sore chicks tomorrow. We had some good laughs too. We had to use some apparatus during our drills called a pull buoy. It essentially forces you to use your arms and rely on balance to get through the water rather than any kick. Well - I have obviously been relying on my kick because it was back to gulping water and dogie paddling for me partly through that drill. I tried to re-collect myself and start over but it just kept happening. I was able to laugh because it was happening to the others too - oh well. You win some, you lose some - we will get better. To see a picture of the little buggers or evil floaties as I prefer to call them hop on to Janine's blog @

There isn't much entertaining to say except for that I got all the way from Nicholasville to Lexington and out of my car and all the way into the Aquatic Center before realizing that I had on two totally different flip-flops. Again - baby brain. I had to just laugh it off.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha thanks for the props! Darn those pull buoys...and that baby brain! :) But it is pretty funny that you wore two different flops today!
