Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Few of her favorite things.....

Since we have been staying with Abby and Jonathan Kennedy has developed a few favorite past times I thought I would share with you all.

First of all, meet her new furry favorite friend aka Dakota or "Kota" for short. Now, Dakota sometimes has some ahem, how shall I say: naughty behavior? However - he has been an absolute doll with our daughter - letting her chase him, scream at the top of her lungs out of sheer excitement to see him and even touch his treasured precious camel toy. Amazing - they have become fast friends for sure!

How could anyone resist that face?

She likes for him to "kiss toes"

She likes to get in his crate and yell to whomever is listening: "shut de door"

She likes to walk him and yell loud enough for the neighbors to hear "Kota - go pee pee, Kota - go poo-poo" No worries y'all - she leans in for a closer look when he finds the perfect spot to take care of business. I suppose she wants to ensure he is following direction. Hilarious!

On to her other favorite past times at the hotel de Burns - (ones that don't involve Dakota that is).

Watching the.......

....larger than life TV. What can be better than Little Mermaid in HD?

She is fascinated with the "fishee" screen saver. As soon as she sees the computer she says "I watch de fishees".

Her Daddy built a fort on their sofa and it was quite the big hit as well. She kept trying to get Dakota to "come in".
Anyhow - it's been fun being here and obviously Dakota and Kennedy are enjoying every minute of it. I think they might have withdrawals when we move out. We have our final walk through in our new house today and we officially close tomorrow at 1:00. Plans are to clean this weekend and paint next week. We hope to move in on the 22nd. Something tells me Kennedy might not want to go.....


  1. So cute Lindsy!! Dakota and Kennedy are so cute together:) It's quite precious! And it's so much fun to have roommates:) I'm sure Dakota will be depressed and wandering around searching for Kennedy when you all move out:(

  2. How long before I quit wanting to cry every time I see her picture??? So sweet...

  3. Hi Lindsy. I'm a friend of Abby's and I came over to "meet" your adorable Kennedy!

    My BFF and her 2 yr old came to live with us for a week in June when they were waiting on their new house. I was puppy-sitting for my sister that week too so reading your blog and the adventures of Kota and Kennedy brought back happy (and harried) memories!

    Hope the walk through went okay today!

  4. AHHHHHH So sweet!! It makes my teeth hurt! I just want to squeeeeeze her she's so dern cute! Great pics and I cannot WAIT to see you in only a couple weeks! YAY!!

  5. This is so cute!! I miss her and so does Adeline.
