Saturday, March 21, 2009

Odds and Ends

I am actually getting to blog from home. I must admit - it is only because I am hacking off of someone's wireless. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? I was uploading pictures and sending some email that really needed to be sent. Now that the pictures are on my computer I figured I would add some of them to my blog.

First, I talked about my incredible purse my friends gave me a few weeks ago and wanted to share those pictures with you guys. I have gotten A TON of compliments on this purse, so once again - if you want to check out their designs head on over to their website.

Don't you love it? You know you need one too! You can pick the bag style, size and fabric!
On the training front - Chelsea and I are still going strong in an effort to prepare for our minimarathon in April. We did 8 miles before my trip home and here is a picture of she, Billie and I after finishing.

Courtney, Billie and I run our trail run that we have been training for next weekend. I am sure there will be pictures to come. We ran the pinnacles today in Berea and oh my hills! I just hope I am not sore for our long run tomorrow because I haven't been that out of breath in forever - it was challenging.

To get to Berea today we went the backroads way and took the Valley View Ferry across the river - this was Kennedy's first Ferry Trip (thanks for taking the picture Billie).

It's just funny to see the river right outside her window!

There isn't a whole lot else to share right now. I can't believe our trail run is next weekend - it feels like just yesterday that we started talking about it. I can't believe we are so far into our 1/2 training schedule either. Where does the time go?


  1. How long and where is your trail run? I didn't realize it was so soon! This morning Josh and I were coming back from the gym (gasp!) and found out that a race (don't know how many K's) was going on in our neighborhood! We passed all these people running--I was so sad that I didn't know it was going on or I would've done it!!

  2. Our trail run is in Chatanooga and it is 6.5 miles. It is called the rock creek bridge trail run - you can google it. So sad you missed the run in your hood. Good for Joshie workin' on his fitness.
