Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Country Music Half Marathon

So, after I had Avery I quickly selected some events to motivate me in my whole "need to get back in shape ASAP" process. The Rock n' Roll Country Music Half Marathon was one of my selected events and it happened this past weekend. Clearly: Momma didn't participate because rather than still "workin' on my fitness", I'm kinda busy building yet another little person. I did, however, tag along with my favorite running peeps (Chelsea, Tammy & Courtney) for a fun filled couple of days away in Nashville, TN. Janine was going to join us on this girls weekend as well, but instead she is on a beach in Jamaica somewhere sunning her baby bump and I'm not jealous AT ALL! I missed you Neene - together we could have had a stellar spectator support spot! Chelsea's sweet friend Ashley allowed us to crash at her crib and show us around, so aside from carb loading and gas expenses there were NONE and we are oh so very grateful for her hospitality. Not only did she allow us to stay at her place.....she decided to buy my registration/bib number and run as me since (as I mentioned) I am not really in the right shape to do so for myself. Oh...I forgot to mention that she decided the NIGHT PRIOR that she would give it a whirl. Brave girl! 

Here we are getting our eat on at a yummy pasta place in Franklin, TN called Zolos. It was super yummy! I am an Alfredo girl and they took that dish to a whole new level with adding not only chicken, but FRIED chicken y'all...yum! The first photo attempt wasn't super successful, so on the second someone on the inside decided he'd join in on the picture taking fun - creeper!
 The morning of the race I dropped the girls off at the start so they wouldn't have to get up even earlier to catch the's a quick before photo...they're all smiles! 
 Once I figured out where the heck I was going (praise God for Google maps on my phone!) and parked I took this picture on my walk to my spectating spot:
 LP Field was the Finish locale:
 I was huffing, puffing and sweating by the time I got situated in good viewing position of the finish line - praise the Lord I didn't run it or I may have had a heat stroke! Whew! Check out my awesome spot though:
 Since I'm usually participating in the run, I don't usually get to see the race winners, aka super fast folks. This guy (Sammy) came strolling in as numero uno finisher - his bib proudly states the number it should! 
 Do you see his clock time? It usually takes me double that to finish....insane that anyone can run 13.1 miles that quickly...simply insane. 
 All the ladies went wild when the first female finisher came running in 9 minutes later: go girl! 
 Sharon, way to keep the boys humble by keeping up: amazing! 
 I had to take a picture of these people because I was in awe that they each ran with one arm in the air for THIRTEEN MILES! What?!?!?!?
 And each with one arm in the air ran this race about as fast as I would after months of training and my arms comfortably swinging at my sides; way to go! 
 The first of my friends to come in - Chelsea! Look at her - smiling and waving. Rock on sister! I couldn't scream like a wild woman or hold up any of the 3 posters I created because I was too busy playing with my camera and it paid off if I do say so myself:
 Next in comes Courtney...look closely - she sees a dude to her left and....wait for it, wait for it:
 decides she's going to dust him: 
 and dust him she does - eat my sweet little running skirt dude: girls rule! Go Courtney!
 I am so very sad to say I somehow missed Tammy coming through - we've decided it's because she was going so fast she blurred right by. =) 

I did catch this one of Ashley finishing...seriously - she did AMAZING...wasn't trained at all and finished in respectable time. Way to go Ashley! I mean - you'd never know she up and decided the night before to do this:
 So proud of them! It was so HOT and they were happy to be d.o.n.e!
 You like my poster I created for this picture? Tee hee hee:
I am so glad that despite not being able to run...I went anyways. We had so much fun, ate so much food (thanks in part to some ridiculously amazing cupcakes that my Mother in Law sent and to Ashley's Nashville navigation skills), laughed so hard and just had a great overall time. Hopefully next year - I'll be joining  y'all! 


  1. Great job capturing the weekend and wrapping it up on your blog. I do love that sweet camera. And those sweet cupcakes. And my sweet girls!! Thanks for being so awesome - this was one of the best girls' getaways I've ever had!!
    So sad Janine missed it this year. Maybe next year we can all run a race together, though I think Nashville is better seen when walking and not running. :)

  2. I am sad I missed the fun, too!! But not too terribly sad, afterall I WAS sunning my bump on a Jamaican beach. Just wish that I could have had my cake and ate it, too...and the weekends of both events weren't the same. I am proud of all the girls, and Linds I LOVE your sign and camera skills!! I cheered everyone on from the airplane as we left Nashville (and don't think I didn't strain to see if I could see any runners!).
    Miss you all and this post is awesome! Makes me want to RUN!
