My weekend wasn't all work and no play though. Saturday night Janine graduated from PT school @ University of Kentucky - Go Neenie! Not only did she graduate - she was honored with an award from her professors. I am so proud of her and so happy for her. She has worked very hard and I am glad this chapter of her life is over for her and she can move on (she was really sick of studying). It was great to see she and Josh - we have missed them terribly since they moved to Benton, Kentucky. She and Josh are vacationing and then she will return for some more class but after that she is gone for good. It is a bittersweet thing for me. I am happy for her that she will be with Josh and she will be working and doing what she loves but I am sad that she won't just be a hop, skip and jump away any more and this time it's final. Anyhow - here are some pictures from before and after the graduation.
Tim, Chelsea and I went to church yesterday and had lunch at Rafferty's on the patio (it was gorgeous out). We had some awesome salads and then after our workout we filled up the pool for Kennedy and relaxed which is something I rarely do and usually when I try I don't succeed. I just stared at my beautiful baby and felt thankful that I get to be her Mommy. Motherhood is a beautiful thing - there's nothing else like it. Happy late Mother's Day!
Does my girl know how to work a "babysoup" (as she calls them), or what?
Cute pics! K is so precious!!